Welcome to ITQW 2019
The 2019 Infrared Terahertz Quantum Workshop (ITQW) is a workshop-style conference that aims to bring together academic, government, and industry scientists in an intimate venue to encourage close interaction and collaboration. The conference will feature a mixture of oral presentations, poster sessions, invited and tutorial presentations.
The theme of the conference is broadly defined as the exploration of novel physical phenomena in quantum- and electromagnetically-engineered photonic materials in the infrared and terahertz frequency range and the exploitation of these phenomena to create novel optoelectronic devices and applications. The infrared and terahertz frequency range is particularly interesting for realizing practical devices based on these design principles owing to relaxed fabrication tolerances, low loss of metals, controllable plasmonic and nonlinear optical properties of semiconductors and 2D materials, and our ability to engineer intersubband transitions in semiconductor heterostructures.
ITQW was formerly known as Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells, and has been held every two years since 1991. This year we have renamed it to better reflect the evolving scope of topics that fall under the central theme.
ITQW 2019 is now over. Thanks to all participants and sponsors for making it a great success!
Program is available.
DRS Daylight Solutions sponsored Best Student Presentation and Best Student Poster Awards
ITQW 2021 will be held in Vietri sul Mare, Italy, from September 5 to 10, 2021

Focused Session on Polaritonics and Strong Coupling Phenomena
On Tuesday Sept 17, we will have a half day focused session on Polaritonics and Strong-Coupling Phenomena in the infrared and THz range. Click for more information.
Conference Scope
Physics of intersubband related low-dimensional systems
- Physics of intersubband transitions and scattering mechanisms
- Numerical modeling of intersubband devices
Mid-infrared and THz Sources and Detectors
- Quantum cascade lasers, interband cascade lasers, diode lasers, nonlinear generation, frequency combs in the mid-infrared and THz spectral regions
- Quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs), quantum-dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs), quantum cascade detectors, type-II superlattice detectors, phase sensitive detection, single photon devices, other novel detectors operating in the mid-infrared and THz spectral regions
- Heterodyne detection, novel detection schemes (plasmonic, 2D materials, antenna-coupled, nanodetectors)
- Sources and detectors employing novel principles (metamaterial lasers, parity-time symmetric laser systems, and others)
Collective effects in 2D systems Strong and Ultra-strong coupling
- Intersubband polaritons, ultrastrong light-matter coupling in intersubband systems, polariton lasers and condensates, intersubband plasmons
- Mid-infrared and THz plasmonics, metamaterials, metasurfaces, and engineered electromagnetic structures, particularly as coupled to low-dimensional quantum systems
- Superradiant emission, Landau quantification, high B-field physics
Mid-infrared and THz Materials
- III-V semiconductors including III-Nitrides and III-Sb
- Two-dimensional materials (graphene, MoS2, Black Phosphorus, etc.),
- Novel material systems (wide bandgap, SiGe, II-VI, Si/Ge photonics for QC devices)
- Zero-D and 1-D low dimensional structures (quantum dots, boxes, nanowires)
- Photonic topological insulators, metamaterials and metasurfaces, and other mesoscopic mid-infrared and THz photonic materials (both active and passive).
Mid-infrared and THz Applications
- Spectroscopy (sensing, heterodyne receivers, time resolved spectroscopy with QCLs)
- Imaging (detector arrays, infrared and THz imaging, QCL-based active imaging, novel mechanisms, sub-wavelength imaging)
- Communications (free-space laser communication, THz communications)
- Frequency metrology (QCL frequency combs, laser stabilization, ultrafast laser characterization)


Conference Support

Conference organizer email: itqw2019@gmail.com
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